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Saturday, November 29, 2008
New Naples Listing!
Beautiful new listing located directly on over 150' of Naples Bay waterfront! Breathtaking views of sunsets and city lights across the bay...sit by the pool and watch dolphins jump as boats cruise by...This is waterfront living at its best! Spacious 4 bedroom residence has been meticulously maintained. Close to beaches and all the wonderful downtown amenities. Additional photographs and a virtual tour can be viewed at http://www.naplesrealestate.com/ or call today for a private showing: 239-370-0574.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Giving Thanks
Chip and I are up at our cabin in the mountains of North Carolina with 3 of our kids and 5 of our grandkids. When I woke up this morning and looked outside the early sun was peeping over the distant mountains, streaming through the trees and dancing on the frosty branches. Bear Pen mountain is visible through the bare trees this time of year...the back of the house faces east and I sat and drank my hot coffee and watched a lovely sunrise...taking in the beauty of the view and enjoying the quiet before the house would be alive again with children's giggles and cheering for ones favorite football team. My heart is filled with gratitude for all the blessings in my life. Good health, a wonderful husband, healthy and lovable children and grandchildren, a very special mom, great friends and family. Thank you God.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Market Share Comparison Report

Thursday, November 13, 2008
A Day in the Life of a Naples Real Estate Agent...
I started my day early (about 4:00 am) working on the details concerning a counter offer...the home is listed around $1 million...the buyer offered considerably less...the seller would not even counter...NEVER has the divide between what a seller thinks his home is worth and what a buyer is willing to pay been so great!
Next, I went to see a very nice couple who bought a condo from me about 4 years ago...since then they made a second purchase in the same neighborhood directly from the developer (as an investment)...They called me to discuss listing it. They were listed earlier in the year with another agent for $999,000. It was my job to break it to them, as gently as possible, that due to the current inventory and closed sales they were going to have to keep the price under $700,000...All in all they took it well. They are, after all, business minded and understand the current market conditions. It was a good appointment and I feel optimistic about the saleability of the condo...But, being the bearer of bad news is NOT getting any easier for me...
My next stop was to write up an offer with a buyer who looked at a condo with me yesterday. The property is in the neighborhood where she lives so of course it made the most sense for me to drive back there (about 35 minutes from downtown Naples where my office is located) rather than meet her here...When she answered the door with, "I guess I should have called you"...Well, the appointment didn't take as long as I anticipated...
By noon I was on my 4th appointment of the day with a lovely young couple who are considering relocating to the Naples area. He had been on a very promising job interview and they just wanted to look at a couple of homes as possible rentals. Now, I don't normally handle rentals, but felt compelled to take care of this family (they have four kids) as I would hope someone would take care of any of our kids if they were far from home in the hands of a perfect stranger. The meeting could not have gone better. They liked the first house I showed them and I teased them about being so difficult! When they find out whether or not he's got the job at least they know they have a good home in a safe neighborhood picked out. ~and I feel very good about earning their future business. The day is looking up...
Back at the office I proofed a few ads, returned a few calls, got caught up on emails...one of which from a seller with whom we met yesterday on a listing appointment who chose to inform us via email that they were going with another agent...Ah! -we really wanted that listing! I'm feeling sad again...Then I got a call from a really nice man that I met with his wife last "season" at an open house. He recently received a "Just Sold" postcard from us...we talked about the market, sales in his neighborhood, what his competition would be if they decided to list and he ended the conversation saying, "We would not list with anyone else"! Yeah! It was a great call and I am starting to feel better...
It's after 4:30 and I have been going strong for over 12 hours and I just realized that I forgot to eat lunch...a few more things to take care of here after I finish this blog entry then get appointments ready for tomorrow and head home hopefully before dark...
A Day In The Life...and at the end of the day, I still like my job...and the challenges will only make me a better real estate agent. Call me...I will always make time for YOU: 239-250-4370
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Three Choices
A lot of good things come out of our weekly sales meetings...I've been attending sales meetings every Wednesday morning for over 27 years. Some are better than others; some have interesting guest speakers, MLS trends & statistics...We get to tout new listings, share ideas, discuss price adjustments...
This morning my broker wrote 3 things up on his easel...
1. Stocks
2. Real Estate
3. A Coffee Can
With one question he put the current market into perspective: "Where would you put your money today?"
Okay, those are your three choices, so now I ask you, "Where would you put your money today?"
'nuff sed...call us!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Thank You to Our Veterans

President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11th Armistice Day to commemorate the end of WW I. Congress changed the name to Veteran's Day in 1954, now a legal holiday in the United States.
On this Veteran's Day, please join us in remembering those who have served our nation with valor and bravery. We salute you and respectfully recognize the selfless act of putting ones own life on the line for freedom and democracy. It is with our deepest gratitude that we honor your service and sacrifice.
Take a moment today to thank a veteran...and every day, each chance you get, express your thanks for the commitment of our armed forces who by their tireless efforts bring liberty and human dignity to the world.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
More Naples Real Estate Stats
Things really picked up the first week of November. Showings are up, sign calls are up, Internet leads are up...even morale is up. I thought I'd share a few more stats with those readers who have called and asked questions about specific neighborhoods and the market in general.
In the first week of November 2007 the local multiple listing system reported 98 residential properties going under contract (also known as "pendings") and 68 closed sales. This year we saw that increase to 165 pendings and 97 closed sales during that same time! 22 of the pendings were listings priced over $1 million. 118 were listed under $300,000.
Areas that are fairly even to their average sold prices in the last 12 months as compared to the previous 12 months are:
NA01: North of 111th Avenue North and west of U.S. 41;
NA02, Vanderbilt Beach area;
NA04 Pelican Bay area and
NA19, Lely area.
NA05: known as the Crayton Road area, which includes Park Shore and The Moorings is at $1,190,368 average sold price in the past 12 months as compared to $1,420,783 in the prior 12 months. Old Naples: NA06, is down from $1,597,183 to $1,109,895, and Aqualane-Port Royal: NA07 has seen a significant decrease with an average sold price of $3,807,625 in the last 12 months as compared to $6,344,029 in months 24-12. However, this area now has an average of 5 closed sales per month in the past 12 months as compared to 4 when going back 24 months; a 20% increase in the number of sales closing.
If you would like an analysis of your home or of a specific neighborhood, please either call (239-370-0574 direct) or email any member of The Harris-Peppe Team today. Also, we welcome you to log on to our website, http://www.naplesrealestate.com/ and look in the menu bar for "Neighborhood Information" where you will find additional information about many of the areas we report about on this blog.
Thanks and make it a great day!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise
I have always loved this time of year...
When I was a little girl, I used to look forward to raking leaves with my grandpa...the laughter, the jumping into piles and the smell of burning leaves vivid in my memory. I would say the changing colors of the leaves is the one thing I miss the most living here in Naples...Oh, snow on Christmas morning always a child's favorite, but now I much prefer the beautiful soft, white sand of the beaches to that colder, wet white stuff from up north. The majesty of the golden amber, burnt orange and crimson red landscape is now replicated around my home with silk leaves bought at a craft store and pumpkins from the grocery store in a variety of shapes and sizes set atop most of the tables in our home.
No matter where you live, this time of year also reminds us of how quickly the days have flown by as we see holiday decorations in all the stores. Soon it will be Thanksgiving, my personal favorite holiday because it focuses on what family and love is all about: Gratitude. No messing up this holiday with gifts and guilt...It's pure, it's perfect...It's just about counting blessings.
Right now it is 72 degrees outside and the sun is shining....There are no leaves to rake, but the humidity is low, there's a slight breeze and the palms are lovely and the orchids are blooming (see photo inset)...I was trying to come up with a topic to post on my real estate blog today and this was all I could come up with as I sat at my desk gazing out the window...It's another beautiful day in paradise...and I am blessed.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A Defining Moment
Two wonderful speeches last night...
McCain's words brought tears to my eyes as I watched this hero concede in a most honorable and gentle manner. I believe the world looked at him with admiration and the utmost respect which few people have ever deserved more..
Obama's speech inspired a nation. I was equally proud of his accomplishment, the obvious emotion as he expressed so eloquently his awareness of the place in history that he alone can claim. America's healing can now begin.
Now, let's get back to the order of business...Let's support one another and look ahead with hope and courage to the challenges that lie ahead...Let's seek out the things we have in common rather than the things that set us apart.
"Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection"
Abraham Lincoln
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Did you vote?
My alarm was set for 6:00 am, I was up and out of the house with such enthusiasm this morning. Wanting to get to my precinct early, expecting long lines...at first I thought they moved the precinct without telling me. "Am I at the wrong place?" I actually found a parking place right up front and once inside I checked in immediately...It felt a little funny going back to the "color in the circle" ballot rather than the electronic ballot that we've all gotten used to...I had my sample ballot in hand, approached the voting booth and I don't know what exactly came over me, but I welled up with tears. How blessed we are in this amazing country to be able to vote. What a privilege and honor it is. This is a very emotional election...and I for one don't care who you are voting for...this post isn't about your choice, it's about having choices! My family is made up of Republicans and Democrats with a couple of Independents and Libertarians thrown in just to keep it interesting...We are wonderful mix of conservatives, liberals and moderates...and you know what? We all love each other. We are what America is all about.
Yes, what an exciting election indeed...In my house my husband and partner, Chip, who became an American citizen last year is voting for a president for the first time...tonight we will watch the results together and know that we were both part of the process, and regardless of who wins we will wake up tomorrow morning knowing that we live in the greatest country on earth.
If you haven't already voted, get out there! It is your duty as a citizen.
More Naples Real Estate Stats
October, which is typically a big listing month, saw a 7% decrease in listings taken when compared to last October. New listings this year totaled 1,696, in October 2007 new listings totaled 1,818.
This information is based on data derived from the Naples Multiple Listing System known as SunshineMLS, and only Residential listings in Naples were used for the results.
The really good news is our "Pending" sales were way up last month when compared to October 2007: 332 pendings vs. 567 in October 2008. That's a huge jump in units! Sales pended are always the best barometer to determine what is happening in the market now.
In October 2007, 38% of the sales which pended were priced below $300,000. Comparably, 74% of the sales which went under contract in October 2008 were listed below $300,000. This is in direct correlation to the increase in the number of listings available in the under $300,000 price range. In addition, last October 14% of the sales which pended were listings priced over $1 million. This October listings priced over $1 million made up for less than 6% of the pendings. Many of the high end buyers we are working with are waiting to see how things settle out, but they are actively looking. Our listings saw a 422% increase in showing activity last month. ~and This will certainly result in offers.
Please let us know if you would like us to do a more specific analysis of a particular neighborhood or condominium. It is always our pleasure at The Harris-Peppe Team to answer questions without any obligation. We welcome your comments and look forward to earning your business.
Monday, November 3, 2008
It will be nice...
It will be nice for this election to be over...I can't count how many times in the past month the prospects I have talked with have used it as an excuse to put off making a decision...."Oh, after the election we will be in a better position to make a decision"...or, "We are waiting to see who wins before we book a trip to Naples to look at real estate..." and so on and so on. You get the picture. My years of experience tells me that after the election true buyers will buy regardless of who wins; and the not-so-true buyers making excuses will find another excuse...so, who wins is not really an issue with them anyway.
It will be nice to reclaim a little peace and quiet at the end of the day without the evening news blaring the moment I walk in the door...and whomever is placing the candidates' signs in our front yard after dark each night will need to find another prank to pull...
It will be nice when the water cooler discussions are about great condo buys and football again, ~and dinner conversations with friends and family alike go back to talking about holiday plans & vacations, diets & health issues...grandchildren...yes, that will be nice...
It will be nice when all the t.v. political commercials are finally over...and all the signs around town come down...(except the For Sale signs of course)...Hmmmm...I wonder why it is that I am only allowed one open house sign on a property when I'm trying to earn a living on a Sunday, but dozens of candidate signs litter the landscape during election time...
It will be nice...
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