I can't believe we are more than half-way through September. Where has this year gone? And, it's not just me...everyone I talk to is saying the same thing. Honestly, today's newspaper fliers were filled with ads for Halloween decorations and winter clothes! You know what that means, don't you? We need to start asking ourselves, "Where are we having this year's office Holiday Party?" That, among the many other questions that we haven't had to ask ourselves in awhile...think about it...what questions do you have running around in your head?
We have already begun to see the arrival of the car transporters...much earlier than usual I might add. Who can blame them, check out the map to see today's highs in all of our feeder markets...yupper, there's already frost on the pumpkins in many areas! Typically we don't see the 18 wheelers with their cargo of automobiles rolling into town until mid-October. These cars, with their Michigan, Indiana and Jersey plates [to name a few] will soon be crowding our roadways, making illegal u-turns, honking their horns and running red lights. Now, don't get me wrong...I love our loyal snowbirds-- With the crowds come mostly good things. This is when we prosper. This is when all the service industries in Southwest Florida thrive. We look forward to the return of the snowbirds [just not their driving habits]. It is a good thing that they come back to this beautiful place someone named Naples long ago...It is a good thing that it gets so darn cold up there so that we can sell some of them pretty houses and condos in paradise!
So, ready or not, here comes "season"! Please be extra careful on the roads everyone...and please let us know if we can help you or someone you know find a winter home or condo in Naples!
Thanks, and make it a great day,
The Naples Real Estate Blogger
and now it's snowing in virginia in october...it doesn't matter what is happening around the globe. as long as there is sunshine in naples in the wintertime, there will be buyers.