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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Why I love Southwest Florida ~ Top 100 Reasons

...The Countdown Continues!

Earlier this month I decided to do a "Top 100 Reasons Why I Love SW Florida" blog feature---honestly, I think when I get to 100, I'll be able to do another 100! There are so many reasons to be grateful we live, work and play in this wonderful town we call 'Paradise', Naples Florida. What I am here to tell you about is what puts the REAL in real estate...those things that give our area its true value. Many are intangible, like that which I am going to post about today...
The #3 Reason Why I Love Southwest Florida: Magnificent Sunsets!  
*Sunset at The Naples Pier

Whether you are lucky enough to have a home with a westerly view where you can enjoy the endless beauty each night, or a boat where you can cruise out to the gulf to see the setting sun...perhaps you regularly go to the beach to catch a glimpse of the greatest show on earth...or what some say is the best place in Naples, where the locals & tourists alike, walk out onto the 1,000' pier to gaze out into the beauty of the sunset every evening...endless clouds, the Gulf of cannot be denied: Living on or near the beach is a blessing. Amen. ~And the sunsets in Naples are amazing!
Since a picture paints a thousand words, I will just leave you with some of my favorites...there are so many to choose from...
Sunset At Gordon Pass
Sunset Over Naples Bay
If you have any pictures of a sunset anywhere in Naples, please share! With your permission, I will post on our website! Photo credits will be given to the artist, of course.
Thank you, and make it a great day...better yet, I hope you see a green flash--it's good luck!
The Naples Real Estate Blogger
* Naples Pier photograph by, Art David.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

100 Reasons Why I Love Southwest Florida

So Many Restaurants, So Little Time


Reason #2 why I love SW Florida: All the fabulous restaurants! I was born in New York City...New York City has great restaurants...but, I am not afraid to say that even small town Naples rivals the Big Apple in great places to eat! I think one could go out every night of the week for a year and never hit the same place twice! In the past month,  Chip and I have gone out to eat twice, both times trying a new place we had never dined at before, and both times being completely smitten with the food, the service and the setting. I recently asked for some suggestions for our Chip's Picks, the list we have been putting together annually for the last 16 years, and several people recommended Inca's Kitchen. Located in Golden Gate City, on Collier Blvd. Quite unexpected at that location, we found a lovely environment with all the fixings of a fine dining including linen napkins and an extensive full bar. The waitress made suggestions since neither of us have ever eaten Peruvian food. Typically we go back to a restaurant 3 times before putting it on our list, but if first impressions matter, we will definitely be going back! We also tried Cibao Grille on the recommendation of a friend who is a regular. He couldn't believe we had never heard of it. It might just be one of the best kept secrets in Naples. Located in Park Shore, right off US 41 on Neapolitan Road, it was a Tuesday night in June and the place was packed! One of the best dining experiences we've had in a long time, and we can't wait to go back!

One of our favorite Naples restaurants is Ristorante Ciao. Located "off the beaten path", one block south of Fifth Avenue S. on 4th Ave., it is the place we go to for special celebrations, anniversaries and birthdays! We love the ambiance, and the calamari is the best ever! Chef and owner, Gianfranco personally greets us each time we dine there, and that is such a nice touch!

Please let us know if you have any restaurants you'd like us to consider adding to our 'Chip's Picks"! Trying out new places to eat is a tough job, but somebody's got to do it!

Thank you for reading, and make it a great day!

The Naples Real Estate Blogger


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

100 Reasons Why I Love Southwest Florida

100 Reasons Why I Love SW Florida
For those of you who have 'followed' me for awhile, you know that over the years I have been a much more active blogger than this past year or so...Blogging is easy when you're going through an economic downturn, but when you're busy selling, who has the time? Well, I know I've said this before, but I am really going to try to post more often. Recently someone told me I should start a Naples Photo Blog--this person didn't even know that photography is a hobby and one of my most favorite creative outlets...I am taking it into consideration as I regroup and re prioritize all my Internet marketing, social media campaigns, and blogging opportunities. The suggestion did however give me the push I needed to come up with an idea that I think will give me countless topics to write about on my Naples Real Estate blog: 100 Reasons Why I Love Southwest Florida! I take beautiful photos around Naples all the time...why not write about what I love? So today, I begin with reason #1...or perhaps it is reason #100, and I should work my way backwards?, I think I will start at #1 and progress from there. In the course of the week, I will continue to write about new listings, rental opportunities and select vendors, as well as other real estate related posts, but mixing it up with some of the things I love about Naples, along with pictures, will I hope create some new followers, an increase in engagement, and more interest in my blog. Here goes.........

Reason #1 Why I Love Southwest Florida: Loggerhead Turtles
This past weekend, Chip & I went boating south of Naples off Marco Island, near Coconut Island. The natural wildlife we saw was magnificent, but the two sea turtles that surfaced near us throughout the day left us in awe of the beauty of where we live! [click picture to enlarge]
There maybe more, but I know of three common Florida Sea Turtle species: The Loggerhead, the Green Turtle, and the Leatherback. The loggerhead we witnessed on Sunday had to be over 3' long! I would guess his large head was nearly a foot itself! This is the time of year when adults return to their "nesting beach" [the place of their birth] and lay eggs [approximately 100] which take about 60 days to incubate. The nests are taped off and protected, and beach goers are very aware of them and respectful. Keep in mind, these turtles have come to Florida's shores for thousands of years. The coastal habitats were theirs long before we all arrived. We can actively help in many ways to preserve nests. For one, please remember to turn off all lights along the beach after dark---when turtles hatch, they instinctively travel towards the reflection of the moonlight on the water--Many get disoriented when they see the lights coming from the condos along the beach. Also, it is very important to clean up after yourself when visiting the beach. Plastic is deadly in the turtle's world...Did you know you can 'Adopt-A-Turtle? Check out the Sea Turtle Conservancy for details.  It is hard to imagine that only one in 1,000 survives to adulthood! This makes our experience on Sunday even more awesome!
If you have any ideas of what you would like me to include in my Top 100 List, please let me know! I think this will be lots of fun!
Thank you as always for reading my blog. Make it a GREAT day,
The Naples Real Estate Blogger